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5 Creative Blogging Tips

The logo of the blogging software WordPress.Image via Wikipedia
I've been building a business online for several months now and one of the best ways to create interest in your business is to provide information about it for others who might be reviewing or researching your company (in my case, Carbon Copy Pro). But what's the best way to provide that information? Well, this article will look at blogging tips and techniques to help you build your business online, so sit back and get ready to discover five steps to successful blogging.
1 Getting Started - Blogging platforms.
There are a variety of different free blogging sites available to get you started at no cost with your own website. Here is a short list;
If you have little or no money to get started building your business online, these are all adequate and you can build an audience across the various social networking sites using these free blogging platforms by adding your blog address to your profile page. However, if you want any real marketing power and you want to get found online when people search Google, MSN or Yahoo for information on your company, product or service, you will need to go with a self hosted blog and WordPress is the easiest to operate.
Installing WordPress is a lot easier these days than it used to be with several hosting providers offering a one click install from your admin panel (sounds confusing at first glance but believe me it isn't and sites like Bluehost.com offer video tutorials to take you through this step).
The advantage of a self hosting blog is search engine optimization, although don't be fooled; a well constructed, SEO optimized, keyword targeted blogger blog can get you onto the front page of Google as fast as a self hosted blog if not faster. Perhaps both options are worth your time and investment to grow your online business the right way?
2. What To Do Once You're Inside - Blogging plug-ins to help you make your mark
Once you have your WordPress site set up you will want to install a few plug-ins to help you manage the site and prevent unwanted visitors spamming your posts. Here is my list of top plugins to get you started;
SEO Smart Links - allows you to pre-configure the blog so that posts with specific words in them will automatically link to a url of your choice. This allows you to link a set of words like "online business opportunity" to your own website landing page as the post is added into your blog.
In addition, this plug-in allows you to link back to your own posts within the blog which is equally important in the eyes of Google. Internal linking and building good backlinks, coupled with unique site content, is the key to great search positioning over time. Set your blog up the right way to begin with and this will make life a lot easier.
Google xml sitemaps - make it easy for Google to navigate your site and they will come back for more, as simple as that. This plug-in automatically updates your site map and keeps things in good order without you having to worry about it. A must!
Askimet - the king (or queen) of spam capture. You will need to register with WordPress (its free) to activate this plug-in and once set you can leave it to do its duty, blocking spammers and keeping your site looking and feeling the way you want it to.
All In One SEO Pack - an updated version is now available for this plug-in and if you haven't seen this one its time you did. All in One SEO pack will provide all you need to rank well in search. It takes a little bit of work to get it into shape but once done you will not look back.
Sexy Bookmarks - Don't worry! This is far less risky than it seems. If you write something worth reading you want people to share it and this is the best social share plug-in available, hands down. Set this up to show at the end of all your posts to give people the option to share your great content!
Broken Link Checker - This one does what it says on the tin, as the saying goes. It sits in your admin area and monitors your blog posts to see if you have any broken links within any of the posts and if you do, it notifies you from within the admin area of your WordPress blog. This allows you to keep your site free from broken links and will help you in the eyes of the search engines.
Why is this useful? Because Google and the other search engines don't like a page with broken links in it and it will damage your page rank. Keep it tidy and keep Google happy and you'll benefit from increased traffic to your website.
3. What To Wear When Blogging - WordPress Theme Selection
This is the part a lot of people get wrong. Get it right and it can increase your readership tenfold. Get it wrong and your site will be like a spring board, as soon as someone lands on it, they'll bounce straight off. Theme selection is vital to building your internet business online by blogging.
Here are three of my favourite themes to give you an idea of where to start;
Blue Blix - a free WordPress theme which is bright and spacious and well laid out either in a two or three column style. Great for adding adsense too!
Talian - this is a great theme and one which you can customize to bring in adsense income as well as leads for your online business. This is how I have used it to provide information about carboncopypro [http://www.carboncopypro-business-review.com/2009/08/is-carbon-copy-pro-ready-to-tell-the-truth-or-not-about-claims-that-it%E2%80%99s-all-been-a-big-scam] while bringing in revenue through advertising on my site.
Flexibility - a marketers favourite. This theme allows you to add custom widgets, colours and styles and also to integrate an aweber newsletter sign up form very easily.
Thesis - a paid for premium theme but one which is SEO optimized and packs a powerful punch online to give your marketing ambitions some real weight behind them.
Personally, I like a minimalistic theme, bright, spacious and easy to navigate as well as read. Whatever theme you go for be sure to go for one which can be modified to add your own widgets, header photos, a newsletter opt-in form and adsense to make it unique, personalised and profitable at the same time.
4. What To Say And Who To Make It Pay - (How Successful bloggers build their business)
There are three simple ways that bloggers make money online and if you're intending to build a carboncopypro business or any other online business by blogging then cashflow is essential to your success. Here is a short list of how successful bloggers make money from their site;
They sell products by reviewing them on the blog
They sell advertising space on the site
They sell knowledge to their readers through a newsletter
What each of these income streams needs is traffic, ongoing traffic from a trusted source and there is no better way to continue to drive traffic to your website than through an email list. This is not so much new traffic but re-using what you have over and over again. Provide value and quality information to your list and they will continue to return to your site, increasing its overall traffic value and providing you with more opportunities to make sales from your readership.
Add an opt-in form to your blog to encourage readers to leave their email and contact details in return for ongoing coaching or information on your business, whether that's carboncopypro or any other online business you decide to build. So get out there and start to put that news letter together!
5. The Final Frontier - Online Promotion
Finally, when you have your site set up and ready to go and you have written a great article to launch it you'll want to get the word out about your website and tell the world all about your online business through your blog. Here's a short list of places to promote your blog to. Add a link to your website when you set up a profile on each of these social networking and bookmarking sites and you will soon see your page rank and traffic start to climb.
Google notebooks
facebook pages
Have fun blogging your way to success online and before you know it your online business will start to provide you with the kind of income you deserve and the freedom you desire!

Fell free to visit  Get Rich Online  for social media marketing tools and techniques and a powerful, step-by-step internet marketing system to generate ongoing leads and increase sales conversions.
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Blogging for business – how to make money online

image via digit-8

Blogging for business is something every business, whether small or large, doing, is to improve its productivity to generate better income and exposure. Blogs are essential for the start an online business and assistance helps you to create traffic and customers attract. Here are a few tips that you can use so that your blogging is done properly.

Increase your search engine optimization success to indemnify. This is very important because search engines love new content map. So, you choose the right keywords increase your chances of people out there. To do some keyword research and select some low competition keywords, you can use in your blog posts for more exposure in search engines like Google. Make sure that your blogs are relevant and bombard itself with too much information, because this can confuse visitors. Market itself as also by putting up advertising and others. Be creative and smart, if you are blog posts.

# 2
Blogging for business requires the use of other links to your blogs. This is great because you give additional reviews to your viewer which is advantageous for them, and they know that you have to share a lot of good information. You link up with other bloggers also helps in improving your working connections and can help to build better future relationship. Note, however, that you want to link from site poor to another. Always ensure that you offer high quality content and therefore make sure to link the sites you provide is also of great value, top quality content.

# 3
The next thing to remember is the new blogs everyday as it builds the interest of viewers and visitors. You are forced to come every day to see what is offered by you. In addition to this fact, it builds a rapport between your visitors and you how to communicate with them and answer their questions. And this is SO important if you want to run a successful blog online. Connect with your readers. They can information that benefited them you will be and they can also help you, because you know what they like about your blog and what changes they to want to see.
These 3 tips about blogging for business are very important because they ensure that your business is always all the success you want.

This will do not however only the work for you. You need to you to do so, as your blog, make money to educate machine.
Click here for more information about this..!
Want to earn some money by the end of this month click here!

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VA Business Line Medical BenefitsImage via Wikipedia
In recent times the quest for a successful business by professional entrepreneur has been on high trail and has science been reviled by many experts in their various profession. Putting these great ideas of there’s into different medium either books, seminal, workshops, this has been made so easy that you can get this ideas through e-book, as software, and also the world wide web diaries also know as blogs. This has been enabled due to the invention of technology. And many of which has become a great success and a very huge advantage to the enter world, the likes of Microsoft, Google, Blogger, Adsense, Clickbank, EBay and so many more to be named. But in attaining success in your business there are so many criteria that need to be reviewed, be it a small or big  business enterprise, you have to make a proper study on the WHAT, WHERE, HOW, TO WHOM AND WHY your pieces of information or that great idea of yours would blow in the BIG market. If you haven’t been able to identify that, then you should start thinking about it and I kindly ask that you take a little time to read this little idea of mine which was of great help to my aunt in starting up her little poultry business which I happen to run more than half of all the duties involved.


Talking about the importance of plan writing, each an every firm either small, medium or big enterprise must have and maintain a blueprint which is annually edited, these should contain your downfall, success and even the future plans. In helping your company succeed, investors and employees need to know what the future plans of your company holds, this will help them(investors, employees, management) know when to fit in their ideas and suggestions.


Before meeting with people who are in the same business you run or have in mind, you must have a well scheduled plans of yours, having in mind that leaders who lacks plans and vision for their business don’t get to gain peoples interest. Keep in mind that your main reason for scheduling the meeting is for you to acquire knowledge and exchange ideas, so you must be confident about yourself with out being rude. Have an open minded condition and lastly be flexible.


Before you finally carry out your project take out time to review your plans once more and kindly ask for a professional revise.


Schedule a company meeting involving every one in the company and interact on how the management plans to solve problems arising and copy to each one of them the company’s business plans, requesting for suggestions and ideas. This tip works for a business that’s has already been established because it goes to tell that proper consideration is being put in place for the development of your company.


Continue to instill confidence and trust in your customers, be quick to inform you customers about the company situations of thing, avoid being deceitful knowing that success also depends on the trust your consumers put on your product or services. So always make provision to solve matters that arise, if you cannot do that at that point in time promise to go on a research and keep to your promise.


Do not go against the laws of the land, so contact the tax office to discuss and work out your taxation bill with respect to the level of your company. I know if it were possible most of use won’t like to pay our tax, sincerely I won’t but you just have to fulfill your civic right which is for the up building of your country.


First contact your bank to get to know the level of income and expenses and the total returns before you cut cost. You can go one to reduce your work labor if you find out that there are some workers that are not necessarily needed, but doing so in accordance with the labor laws of the nation. This will help in buying more financial time and a proper oversee of the labor force with you are hiring.

 In all I have been able to list 7 point that has proven to work so well. This points are not limited as there are variety of ideas, suggestions, innovation and lot more that you can bring in to that business of yours always holding on to the spirit of a young intellect full of high power innovation that must come to reality, with God behind.

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SEO Elite review top 10 no-no on Google

A data visualization of Wikipedia as part of t...Image via Wikipedia
So, you want to be in the Google Top Ten? Then this Seo Elite Review on the Top Ten things to avoid when designing and optimizing your website will ensure your website gets maximum exposure without incurring penalties. Seo Elite Experts Worldwide have graciously contributed to this Google top ten article and at this time agree that the following list of optimization no-no's are valid at the time of writing.
Seo Elite Review To Title Tag Stuffing
Stuffing the title tag within your website code is possibly one of the quickest way to drop out of the Google top ten. Titles such as "Keyword Stuffing, Stuffing Keywords, keyword stuffing's, keyword stuff" is simply not going to cut it in the eyes of Google, and with so many word repetitions is almost a guarantee of getting a Google demotion. This tends to happen when Google's 'secret police' suddenly throw up a red flag against your website's structure and demote or in the worst case scenarios, totally ban your website for such practices. Our Seo Elite reviewers continually find this type of practice being utilized to try and influence the search engine algorithms. Seo Elite Advice - Title tag stuffing is a No-No !
Seo Elite Review of Image Alt Tags
There seems to be a prevalence these days to using the alt (alternative text) tag on images. Repeat a keyword phrase more than once within this alternative text and on more than three to four images in total for a page, and it is in our view a sure fire way to drop out of the Google top ten search results. For maximum benefits using the alt tag, the seo elite reviewers agreed to choose the initial four images within a page and add not only targeted keyword phrases but to take into account the new LSI algorithms. Seo Elite Advice - Image Alt Tag Stuffing is a No-No !
Seo Elite Review To Keyword Stuffing Within Website Content
Attempting to raise keyword density percentages by continually repeating keyword phrases within the content of your website will have a two fold effect. Firstly it will affect the flow of words to be read on the page by your visitors, and more times than not will just be a visual turn off. secondly it will drop your website like a stone from the Google top ten, even possibly sending your site back to the Google black hole. I personally find that a keyword density of between 1.5 and 2 percent is sufficient to beat your competitors in keyword density. Seo Elite Advice - Too High a Keyword Density is a No-No !
Seo Elite Review To Comment Tag Stuffing
Comment Tags are used to include design notes in the background source code when creating a website page. Comment tags are supposed to be used only for adding instructions or reminders to your html code; previously, these tags were used to artificially increase the keyword phrase count / proximity for targeted keyword phrases.
There was some time ago arguments that this comment tag stuffing technique worked, but it has always been a "Black Hat" SEO technique which could result in a drop out of the google top ten. These days this type of seo technique will not help your website, if anything it will either be ignored completely by Google or produce a negative search engine placement result. Seo Elite Advice - Comment tag stuffing is a No-No !
Seo Elite Review To Hidden Text
Text that is hidden from the view of website visitors by blending in the same colour text as the background colour was once, a very long time ago, a viable asset to building your website, these days it is generally regarded as the quickest way to see your website plummet out of the Google top ten and into oblivion. Seo Elite Advice - Hidden text is a resounding No-No !
Seo Elite Review To Reciprocal Linking
Linking to other websites has long been an effective way of gaining links back into your website. Reciprocal linking is where you have to give a link back in return for the privilege of linking to other websites. This in itself is a valid seo strategy, however, we have found that using this method exclusively to return links to your website can and does have a negative effect on being in the Google top ten search results. It is far better and more productive to use this strategy leniently, mixing in other methods of gaining one way back links into your website. Such strategies as article submission, directory submission and good old fashioned begging and pleading for a back link is more advantageous. Seo Elite Advice - Reciprocal linking on it's own is a No-No !
Seo Elite Review To IP Addresses
Interlinking various website addresses (url's) together that reside on one server (IP address) has long been a strategy used by webmasters to either attempt to get their websites indexed earlier or as a cheap way of getting back links into a site. Money of course plays a part as many people cannot afford the expense of more than one hosting account, especially when first starting out on their internet adventure. We have found that this type of strategy is totally worthless and will in no way help your website gain anything other than a swift exit from the Google top ten. Seo Elite Advice - Using one IP address for several websites and then interlinking them is a No-No !
Seo Elite Review To Buying Site Wide Links
Buying Links from websites is a quick way of getting your website noticed on the world wide web, however, buying site wide links such as footer or sidebar links across a website with over 100 pages has been found to be another way of dropping out of the google top ten. Currently it is unclear as to how the Google algorithms work out such a strategy and our Seo Elite Advice - Buying site wide links is a No-No !
Seo Elite Review To Link Relevance
Relevancy seems to be the 'buzz' word abounding the internet at this time, especially within the seo community. Gaining links back to your website solely from irrelevant web pages will not assist you in either getting your website to the Google top ten or even keeping it within the holy grail of search positions.
An example would be similar to this ... Mr. Jones has a website relevant to 'bread making', Mr. Jones in his wisdom sets about gaining links back to his site from all and sundry. he finds that his back link count is increasing exponentially, however, all of these links are from off topic sites such a car mechanics, hairdressers, dog kennels etc. This scenario is one that will definitely in the long term not assist with his Google ranking. if anything Mr. Jones now finds himself in the depths of page 40 on Google with little or no prospect of ever gaining those Google top ten positions. Seo Elite Advice - Getting all your links from irrelevant websites is a definite No-No !
Seo Elite Review To Link Anchor Text
Anchor text is widely used by webmasters to add relevancy to their link text on websites. This can and does increase the keyword relevancy of any website wishing to rank well for a chosen keyword phrase. The major drawback to this type of strategy comes when the same link anchor text is used repeatedly across a large number of websites. We would suggest that you mix and match different keyword phrases into your anchor text links. This is again where the word relevancy comes into play and is far more advantageous to getting those Google top ten positions. Seo Elite Advice - using the same keyword phrase repeatedly in your anchor text is a No-No !
This article is by no means the final installment on ranking your website in the Google top ten, since search engine algorithms and resources are continuously evolving and refining. However, it is our intention to keep you informed of the most relevant information, we hope you have enjoyed our seo elite review of Google top ten no-no's and that the information contained within assists you in gaining those top positions within the Google search results.

David 'Goldie' Edwards  SEO Elite Services gives clients the opportunity to further enhance their SEO & Website Design Skills.
Other Seo Elite Articles include an Seo Elite Review Of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI).

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Professional SEO copywriting services - what are they and what they are not

Image representing Seo Firm as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
When you type the words "seo copy writing" into Google, thousands of articles and provider websites come up. But how many of them are truly useful? Is seo-friendly copy writing the standard ? Are all copywriters now seo-savvy? In truth, if you are looking for a professional seo copywriter, you're going to need to shop around.
There are thousands of seo optimization firms that masquerade as copywriters - which can put them in the lead as far as search engine saturation and rankings. SEO optimization indisputably brings in the traffic to your website. Without it, you'd be lost in the never ending ocean of websites. It's tempting to hire an seo firm to simply set up your keyworded content, submit your website, and let it go. This is a sad mistake for online businesses to make - once the traffic is delivered, they lose sales. A healthy dose of marketing awareness is the true goldmine when it comes to seo-savvy copy writing services.
Look at the work of some of the top seo optimization firms. Do it now. Google 'seo optimization'.
SEO firms tend to be rather wordy - they're pressing the limits of search engine ratios. They know that as an seo firm, their goal is to get a website into the top of the search engine results. Once they've done that, they've completed their job. They aren't there to write sales copy or think of a catchy, brand-building slogan. They are there to help you feed machines - not brains. Unfortunately, an seo firm just doesn't have the marketing savvy to create website content that draws in the essential components of marketing: emotional draw, a compelling message, and an irresistible offer.
Would you ask an seo optimization firm to write your print brochure? Help you plan a script for your tv commercial? Would you ask them to compile a media kit for potential investors? Of course not - that's not what they specialize in. SEO optimization companies specialize in communicating with search engines - not people.
If you are looking for the "sell factor" - that's where good copywriting comes in. A techie that knows how to blanket a website in keywords doesn't specialize in creativity and ingenuity. That's bad for you because those are the things that make your products stand out, increase your response rate, and drive sales. SEO optimization firms rely on keyword saturation - an often complicated algorithm that checks to see how many of your keywords are being read by Google. Keyword saturation is a great tool to tinker with search engine results - but it's not necessarily the tool you want to exploit when you're trying to persuade consumers to truly connect with what you're offering. (And connect with them in such a way that they come back for more.)
So, what do true seo copywriting services do for my website?SEO copywriters focus first on the message, then the translation to Google. They are expert translators that make a smooth transition from search engine language to customer-centric language. They write your copy with seo keywords in mind (a 2-7% keyword ratio, which is the standard) but they still add style and voice to what you're selling.
A good seo copywriter steers clear of cookie-cutter product descriptions but still manages to slip your keywords in there for Google and Yahoo to read. They know how to build your brand and your company image using professionally written, believable copy. They are the essential component of a true search engine marketing campaign - they give your company a voice that stands a cut above the rest.
Your website has a voice, and seo copywriting services should build a clear message
The voice of your company is the language on your website - all of the words, product descriptions, link hover text, and meta data that the search engines pick up and deliver - and humans end up reading. A seo copywriter will strike a balance between using keywords and promotional words effectively. They don't sacrifice quality for the sake of a higher saturation rate. They want copy that is exciting to read - and pulls sales. They want to keywords to simply be integrated into high-pulling content.
A good seo copywriter will know that headings and titles are just as important to the search engines as the people that visit. They know the importance of bold and bullets to make reading easier on the eyes for your computer-weary customers. They also know that Google finds it easier to read as well.
An seo copywriter is a hybrid of both creative ingenuity and tech-savvy - satisfying both search engines and the curiosity of your prospects. They want results that convert into high search engine results, as well as higher sales volume.
Evaluating seo copy writing services - is your copywriter an seo firm in disguise?

So, how do you know if you are truly working with an seo-savvy copywriting service? The easiest way to find out is to read their website. Many seo firms rely heavily on search engine statistics - even in their website copy - but don't let this alone scare you off. Statistics are how many seo firms see their end of the bargain - the results. Look at their portfolio. (If they don't have a portfolio or links to online work, run!) Read their website text to see if sounds like a person took time writing it - is there promotional language? A call to action? A clear list of benefits? Is the content persuasive? Are their articles useful and worth reading - or do they seem to grind out information in monotone?
What to look for when choosing a professional seo copywriter:Here are a few things to look for when you choose an seo writer, and why.

Does your seo copywriter have a portfolio or links to keyworded articles? Does it contain more than just seo-related work? (Most seo copywriters either started off in print media, or dabble with it from time to time. Experience in other advertising mediums shows that they understand how to market to people, not just machines. )

Are their articles unique and compelling? Read a few of their seo-keyworded articles by printing them out on paper - does the copy flow smoothly? Is it exciting or informative? Do you notice the repetition of keywords enough that it kills the word flow? Oh, and while you're at it, Google their articles and see how they rank in the search engines, as well.

Does your seo copywriter have a name? That's right - a name. (Will Smith. Cathy Bates. Melissa Brewer.) A lot of seo copywriting service providers farm out their work to India and other tech-saturated countries. This is great for pricing - but the quality can vary and is dependent on the English skills of each individual writer. The articles on their website should have a byline and information about their authors - experience, a portfolio, an "About Us" section - everything your own customers would want to know about you.

Does your seo copywriter care about your marketing plan as a whole? Do they offer complementary services - both print and web, to allow your marketing collateral to intersect with your search engine efforts? Do they make referrals to trusted providers in the marketing industry?

A truly competent, creative seo copywriter is a diamond in the rough. When you find a person with a hybrid of marketing and tech skills, you have found a true partner in your online marketing efforts. Don't sacrifice your business website to search engine feeders. A good seo writer can help your website - and your brand - rise to the top of the search engines as well as the forefront of your customer's thoughts when they are in a shopping mood. SEO copywriters can also help you create online newsletters, e-books, articles, blogs, and any other copy where words are being used to sell products or services. The right combination of keywords and online promotion will increase sales, attract customers and grow your business exponentially - both on and offline.


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What is SEO at all?

a chart to describe the search engine marketImage via Wikipedia
Both pay-per-click and SEO are targeted to get your website placed as close to the top of search engine results as possible. Marketing and SEO are different, yet very, very similar. SEO are considered as the main factors in enhancing the traffic of one's website. The concepts of good SEO are hardly a secret. The people who least understands issues with URL structure and SEO are the very people who create them: web developers, programmers, and software developers.
Many long-time SEO's are now looking at the big picture and working with usability analysts. Some SEO are scam artists. I find it interesting that so many newcomers are given the wrong impression that there is one almighty answer to doing well in search engines. SEO are specialized techniques used to optimize your web site, to be Search engine friendly and increase your chances of placing well in searches. But SEO can also be the most profitable methods of driving leads because any leads you receive from SEO are free leads.
There are a large number of companies that adopt a fast and unethical approach to SEO known as Black Hat SEO. They employ unethical techniques that are against search engine policies. The best results from SEO are rarely achieved overnight. Black hat SEO are the techniques used to fool the search engines in order to bring in more traffic to websites. Website owners who unknowingly utilize black hat techniques of SEO are more vulnerable to changes in search engine algorithms and faced being banned.
Most hardcover books on the subject of SEO are best viewed as a vehicle to help the beginner understand the process of search engine optimization. This is because the principles behind SEO are not easy. They are very informative and most webmasters are involved in SEO and using it. White hat and black hat SEO are two opposing views of how to do search engine optimization. In a nutshell, SEO are methods that aim to improve the position or rank of a website in the listings produced by search engines. The benefits of SEO are almost unlimited.
Watch out for SEO Tools and software that is outdated and totally useless. Always research before you buy any SEO software because the search engine Algorithms are constantly changing thereby improving their search technologies to provide the most relevant results for their users. SEO tools for Google, MSN and Yahoo are numerous. SEO tools for press release optimization were also launched by PRWeb at the end of June called SEO Wizard. Search engine optimization is not easy, but with the right SEO tools, your website promotion task just got a lot easier. Blogs are one of the best SEO tools around and some like WordPress are free. Google Sitemaps' are a powerful SEO tools which you can get free by visiting my website.
MSN has launched a suite of SEO tools to go with their Pay Per Click product Adcenter. There are many SEO tools available on the internet, some are better then others, and some are not. Header tags, proper Keyword density, proper text formatting fonts, start text key-phrase as whole phrases, alt image tag text, links pointing to your site and each page and your domain name itself are some things to pay attention too. Many specialized SEO tools can help you determine the popularity and the competitiveness of your possible keywords and can help improve your search engine ranking particularly in Google.
Writing fresh content for SEO plays a large role in keeping visitors on a web site. Let's talk unique web page content and SEO content strategy. Finding a good SEO content writer is easier than you think. Just run a Google search or checkout elance.com. What is good SEO Content? It is unique, quality information that your visitors can use and is helpful to them. RSS feeds are an invaluable tool in the SEO content toolbox. If you scrape SEO content and end up scraping a couple spam pages, you may get noticed even more because someone is investigating the other spam pages.
The primary factor that will determine whether your SEO content is "good enough" is the content provided by competing websites. You need unique content that nobody has in order for it to pass duplicate content filters. That's why it is important to get your content articles indexed before you submit them to the search engines. I think nowadays though search engine algorithms can trace back the content and see who published it first, so at least make sure you publish it to your website or blog before submitting it to article directories.
To strengthen the theme of your web site, you need keyword rich SEO content. SEO content writing tips content writer's main aim is to create a new written piece which is original, simple, informative and also to the point. Write specific targeted SEO content for the independent pages. Unique SEO content remains king. Showing your visitors you can really write unique, compelling content, your traffic will grow very fast. Earlier it was just content writing but now it is widely known as SEO content writing. However there are some strict rules enforced on SEO content. Once you have visitors, your SEO content should be converting them into customers. With effective SEO content on your website, half of your search engine rank optimization work is done.
Ethical search engine optimization is a must or you will get banned. It's not if, it's when. Search engine optimization was and still is fascinating to me. Search Engine Optimization is a crucial part in a websites success. The objective of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to achieve high natural search engine placement for relevant keywords or keyword phrases. Hiring an ethical search engine optimization company to rank well in the natural results is essential to long term success.
Your white hat Search engine optimization (SEO) campaign will provide you with a long term increase in targeted traffic and qualified visitors to your Web Site. Visit my site often and add it to your favorites as I update you with the latest news and rumors in the search engine optimization industry everyday. The effects of bad search engine optimization are devastating and very depressing. Each website is unique in its own way and hence your (SEO) plans differ from website to website.

My site has some tips on how to perform search engine optimization (also know as SEO) on your website. I have a free, comprehensive guide to the practice of search engine optimization for those unfamiliar with the subject if you send me an email. There's a lot of hype out there about search engine optimization (SEO) services. Some are good and some are bad. Read through Google's terms of service as they have some information on their site about it.
Too often, visual design and SEO are perceived as a mutual sacrifice. Pay-per-click and SEO are targeted to get your website placed as close to the top of search engine results as possible. Pay-per-click cost money, but the clicks from SEO cost you nothing. SEO are considered as the main factors in enhancing the traffic of one's website. Both, PPC and SEO are important. The truth is, the most rewarding part of SEO are often the slowest to reward. PR and SEO are based mostly on editorial credibility and relevance, not a direct payment for exposure.
SEO are specialized techniques used to optimize your web site, to be Search engine friendly and increase your chances of placing well in searches. There are a large number of companies that adopt a fast and unethical approach to SEO known as Black Hat SEO. The main components of on-page SEO are optimization of the title tag, the headline tag, the body text and the Meta tags. Companies interested in SEO are occasionally not very happy with how their website looks. Programmers with an understanding of SEO are in high demand. As a matter of fact, sites with excellent Search Engine Optimization are making giant leaps in rankings and getting a major boost in free traffic with Google's new update.
Great web usability and SEO are wasted if folks who visit your web can't tell that you are worthy of their trust. Those who specialize in SEO are in the unique position of understanding the web in a way that no traditional marketing agency can hope to. White hat and black hat SEO are two opposing views of how to do search engine optimization so if you use one, choose with great care. The second most important aspect for high SEO is the headers. Use H1, H2, H3, H4 headers.
Many of the techniques that can be used for SEO are banned by the various search engines. The benefits of SEO are almost unlimited. Bad techniques of SEO are a strict 'NO' - Like same color text as the background and Doorway pages can get your website banned. The five forces of SEO are relevant Keywords, unique Content, clean Code, relevant Links and proper use of Technology. Designing for users and designing for SEO are not mutually exclusive goals. There will be compromise. White hat SEO are techniques that follow precisely the rules and guidelines provided by search engines stand a better chance of receiving traffic and higher rankings than black hat techniques.
For this reason it is important to try to stay updated as far as new SEO are concerned. The off-page elements of website promotion and SEO are just as important. The majority of issues with SEO is very basic and just takes time to be picked up on search engines. Web design and SEO are two very different disciplines, but a certain degree of collaboration is required. It's easy to see why effective SEO are now very much in demand. Black hat SEO is techniques used to trick or manipulate search engines for higher rankings.
If done properly, the results of your SEO efforts are very impressive. Those who practice what some refer to as "ethical" and "correct" SEO are called White Hat SEO's. The most important for SEO is to follow the rules and you won't have anything to worry about.

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3 Tips To Finding The Right Seo Market

Having an internet business is the ultimate competitive environments. Battling it out for more traffic, more customers, the best offers and better bonuses means you want to get an edge over competitors as quickly as possible. Learning some basic SEO with SEO tutorials is the best way to do so.

SEO, short for search engine optimization, is a great start to drive traffic to your website. It is an internet marketing strategy that can boost traffic volume and give a website presence in the vast cyberspace. This has become a necessity for any web based business simply because it is the best way to reach the most people with the least expense. SEO is generally regarded as being a 'free' traffic generation strategy, as it doesn't have the same cost as pay-per-click advertising (for example).

But website optimization requires a lot of time and expertise to learn the skills, apply them and wait for the results. Results can take 3 to 6 months to kick in, depending on the competition for your chosen keywords. Alternatively, you can of course choose to outsource your search engine optimization to a specialist, which can cost from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on the provider you choose.

If you choose to learn how to do search engine optimization yourself, you're well advised to check out some SEO tutorials. SEO can be confusing when you first start. To avoid information overload, you want to find an easy-to-understand tutorial to get you started.

When choosing a search engine optimization tutorial, you want to look for the following three things:

1. Provides a basic Overview - In the beginning it's best to focus on the basic, but important aspects of SEO, rather than getting involved in the technical details. Instead find a tutorial that will give you a basic overview of the most effective techniques. 20 percent of your effort will give you 80 percent of your results.

2. Easy to Read - As a beginner it's much easier to understand a tutorial that's easy to read and doesn't use much jargon.

3. Links to additional resources - Once you've learnt about the basics of website optimization, you might be interested in going deeper on some of the topics. That's why it's useful to have some links to additional resources.

While having the best value offer is important, you also need to get visitors to your website so the word about your offer can spread. Like any website, business or sale, the old adage of 'Build it and they will come' does not apply. So learning the basics of search engine optimization through SEO tutorials is a great first step to beating your competitors.
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Tips to Marketing Iphones

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase
If you, as a leading developer of innovative iPhone applications that result remains ready, the expectations of customers for the iPhone has to fulfill. Once you know the systems, customers expect new applications that will facilitate the task. Your next step to success is to create and develop a user-friendly application that can facilitate the needs of customers. But even after the creation and development of the application for the iPhone your best, you can not a good client for use without appropriate marketing strategies for iPhone applications.
The market for application developers iPhone iPhone is very difficult and competitive. To distinguish themselves from their competitors the best use of marketing resources have to make the web. Many iPhone developers to foster the application for the iPhone with the help of marketing professionals iPhone App. However, it is very difficult to learn all the skills and strategies for possible implementation of marketing the iPhone in the market for iPhone applications successfully. The e-book "As the market for iPhone applications offers a wide range of innovative ideas for promoting iPhone applications on the market.
Some of the recent market research has shown that customers for iPhone applications is also growing markets outside the United States and thus also focus on ways to promote their iPhone applications on the international markets. Some traffic jams that success can be used worldwide AdMob iPhone, iPhone, and old media Quattro as an effective marketing and advertising platforms to promote their business applications. Although it is common should use Google Adwords and similar services targeting the iPhone applications through blogs and YouTube videos.
The book "How the iPhone application market is unique because it not only offers a fascinating insight into the ways to use marketing resources, it also offers many opportunities to experiment and experience and efficiency of marketing strategies in the book discusses. Developers of the iPhone is able to learn and the iPhone several advertising channels offer customers in certain countries and regions of destination. The book comprehensive information on how free the best use of resources and view payment, such as the iPhone web application and other applications market iPhone

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Ten Tips to a Successful Blogging


when i first came across these article i was so impressed and i felt it would be great it i get it on to my fellow business intellects. this article truly portrays what it takes to be a successful blogger.enjoy this. 

Be Real

Knowing yourself and your audience are extremely important aspects of successful blogging. Too many bloggers start out trying to blog about everything that interests them and, in doing so, quickly burn out, largely because there is simply too much to blog about when you blog about everything. Identify who you are as a blogger, what you’ll be blogging about, and who your audience will be; these are key to a successful blog.

Be Passionate

Passion breeds passion. If you aren’t enjoying what you’re blogging about, it’s difficult to be passionate, so blog about things you truly enjoy. Find a voice that you enjoy writing in and stick with it. The passion that comes from writing a blog and connecting with dozens, hundreds, or thousands of readers is contagious.
What are you passionate about, and does it help you with blogging? let us know.

Write Often

Writing often isn’t just good for the blog, it’s an absolute requirement for success. Anything less than once a day (during weekdays) is abandoning the potential of your blog. Updating your blog is often rooted in two major facets of blogging: search engine “juice” and the fact that readers love new and fresh content. Search engines love fresh content and will revisit your site more often the more it’s updated. The result is that your blog will get searched regularly and will carry more weight with the search engines once they trust your ever-changing content.

Link Lots

Links are called the “currency of the blogosphere.” Most bloggers link for one of two reasons: either they are interested in the subject matter or they respect the blogger to whom they are linking. Links carry an inherent value, so providing links shows your readers and users what interests you—and the higher the quality of bloggers to whom you link, the more respect readers and other bloggers will have for you and your blog. Combine that with the ability for bloggers to find out who links to them via services such as Technorati and PubSub, and you can see how a link can be a great way to show who you know and to let people know that you exist. Many of the top bloggers I know have confessed that the way they most often find new blogs is after those blogs link to them.

Leave Comments on Other Blogs

Creating a community of interest is key to blogging successfully at the business or personal level. For most businesses, the community will be a mixture of existing bloggers, news sources, and influential people in the industry, combined with employees, partners, suppliers, and customers. Your community of interest is the community in which you are interested as well as the community that is interested in you. By commenting on blogs in your community of interest, you are letting existing bloggers, and their readers, know that your blog might be of interest to them. One of the most common ways that people find new blogs is through links in comments—get involved, and you’ll reap the traffic rewards and build relationships with other bloggers and their readers.
Try it out today. Leave a comment for this post, and you will almost certainly receive some traffic and interest as a result.

Have Fun

Blogging is meant to be fun. Yes, it’s serious business that will radically change the way your business is presented online while also changing the way your customers view and relate to you, but it’s also about having fun. Try new things and link to fun and interesting sites.
Do you actively enjoy and have fun whilst working and posting on your blog? how about promoting your blog? what do you enjoy about being a ‘blogger’?

Push the Envelope

One of the challenges with blogging is that it’s relatively new. Try something unusual, and if you do the “wrong” thing, it will get you some attention (bad or good). Any new communications tool that remains stagnant ultimately dies, so don’t be afraid to make changes and ask questions. Entirely new types of cutting-edge communication, such as podcasting and video blogging, were created when someone asked, “Why does blogging have to be just text?” Ask your own “why” questions and see if you can come up with exciting ways to use blogs.


Pinging is something your blog software does to tell several services that you’ve posted something new. This quick note, or ping, is used to produce lists of the most recently updated blogs to let Technorati and PubSub know to come by and see what you’ve posted and generally to make sure the blogosphere stays connected. If you ping only one service, make it Ping-O-Matic. This neat, and free, little tool by the creators of WordPress allows you to ping Ping-O-Matic, which then pings all of the most important services for you, instead of you having to do it. This cuts down on your effort, but it also means you don’t need to worry about whether you’re pinging the right places. Ping-O-Matic takes care of it for you.

Use Feeds

Whether you choose to use full-text feeds or provide some of the text, make sure you are providing feeds. I’m a big fan of full-text feeds, because they create less of a boundary for your customers to read your ideas. Feeds make it easy for people to read your content on their own schedules—while travelling on an airplane, via audio as they’re driving home, or generally however and whenever they want to hear what you have to say. Feeds are all about lowering the barriers to getting at quality information, so do whatever you can to make sure you aren’t putting up any artificial barriers.

Create Meaningful Titles

Titles are absolutely essential to blogging successfully: good titles mean search engines find you and send you more traffic; attractive and useful titles entice readers to read your stuff, and this translates into more links. Every blog post title should give readers a reason to want to read the entire post. If you own a fashion company, for example, “Exquisite shoes” is probably a bad title, while “Ferragamo designs exquisite shoes!” is far more descriptive.
So what type of blogger do you want to be? A successful industry leader, who takes part in the blogosphere, links out to other blogs and has fun whilst blogging. Or a blogger who does none of the above, receives little traffic, and lacks direction. I’m still relatively new to blogging so I’ll let you decide. Leave us a comment telling us your thoughts, ideas and what you can take out of this post to make you’re blog more successful. Maybe we can all learn a little from the comments you leave.
This article was gotten from http://bloggingtips.com
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The solution e-commerce focused mainly on sales to customers, where it is not possible. Is this the power of the Web known as - E-commerce, you can do. The use of e-business is not easy, but is very effective and the best exercise you need to know how it works.
Every building on the right will not help should be encouraged, so to see their clients when they on the product, to sell the log it.
The entire process can be simplified. Many customers complain that a process that go in several steps and pages completed. The main goal of E-commerce is to help customers to achieve a simple solution through the net.
In order to ensure to improve customer satisfaction must be that the payment process is simple and easy. Many people are left confused navigation and to force them. The online purchase process needs a real and reliable payment services to get at. With PayPal is a good choice. But before you know what the requirements and needs have to know the customers. Otherwise, it can still serve its customers.
If you are in a solution for creating your first e-commerce solution, then there are a few ways you can help -

1. the selection of appropriate products should be your first priority. You must sell sufficient knowledge about the products they are. All the products have the highest profit margin.
2. Instead of investing their life savings or money, a moderate. You can always benefit rolls over or even roll your company like this. Add the products of the same type, and gradually build your business. Try the products in question after studying the age group, product selection, and the tendency of customers.
3. Always choose a catchy name for his business. He represents the address of your store. Find an insurance agent reliable, fast and safe, and of course for your site. You should the latest solutions.
4. The development and design of the Landing Page right is very important. It must be very attractive and can attract the attention of customers. Supplier of all customers need information to know before buying products.
5. Is this the software you are using easy to use and compatible with consumers buy products from their gallery.
E-commerce enterprise products are the best solutions for managing business processes online. But you must know the proper use and their use. Therefore, you can access professionals that can easily meet your need to go any time.
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Lake and skyImage by yooperann via Flickr         THE GOD FACTOR THAT BINDS EVERY BUSINESS/ENTERPRISE

To every successful business minded blogger or what ever platform you run that has brought you success, there is this one and only reason for such success to have seen the light and that’s the ‘‘sovereign’’ of the universe GOD. In every thing we do the almighty God has the final job on his desk. At this point in this article of mine I ‘will urge that you kindly join me in the train at which is about to move.

 This quickly recalls to my mind the words of the Holy Bible in the book of 1cor 3:6.

‘‘I planted Apollo’s watered but God kept making it grow’’. Please kindly permit me to say that this blog is not a religious blog, I couldn’t but had to put up this write-up since attaining success in business or any endeavor comes from God, I felt there was a need for me to discourse on the God factor. But rather, young intellect is simply in a vend of incorporating youths as an integral part of the worlds large business economy, this is because the amount of information younger generations have are so phenomenal, ready to be exhibited. Thus in the course of my discussions i will make it simplified and clear as possible and will be referring to historical issues and true life experience. 

In other not to derail from the topical issue for today which is the God factor i will make my illustrations short and yet full of vitality. I employ that you feel free to give a wider range of thought to the Paul and Apollo’s illustration mentioned earlier on.

 As humans we quickly praise ourselves at every success of ours and easily forget the supernatural force behind our success, I don’t mean we don’t deserve such. Then, what do I mean? Its simply implies that we give honor to whom honor is due to. If a man works about 12 hours or more per day and he has to undergoes this same routine for days, weeks, months perhaps years and he just cant boast of his own apartment which he built, am even going too far, this man in my illustration doesn’t even have up to he tune of $50, 00 in his account, this same man happens to be the first man that leaves home on his street and comes in so late at night. Would you say this man does not work hard to earn a leaving? If NO, then, then does it mean that success is being withheld from this man, by whom?

Recall that God can never be tried with evil things and neither will he try you with evil (James 1:13). Then where lays the fault?

The fact that all your desires are not coming to fulfillment does not mean that God is against your success, rather, think about when you were a kid and ask yourself  ‘did my parents  meet and satisfy all my desire’?

I leave your conscience to answer that.

Then, does it simply mean our parents are against our success in life? If you answered that question correctly with your conscience then we both agree that patience and faith is required. knowing that God never fails his people

PATIENCE: Jesus Christ while he was here on earth told his disciples he will be going back to his father in heaven but he will be coming back soon. And it’s over 20000 years past and we are patiently waiting for the coming of Christ. This simply show the strong FAITH- we hold as to the coming of Christ, this same hope millions who are dead patiently waited for but never saw his coming, but does that erase the fact that Christ is coming back!

 I will be glad if you also answer in uniformity with your conscience.

If you are yet to record success in your business or that endeavor of yours, please do not give up, continue to strive hard with patience and faith at the good work of yours. Because, times after times of events and history has proven that God never fails.

Are you a business inclined person? Do you have a small or large scale enterprise that is still finding it hard to grow! please this is not the best time to give up, rather look back and take a look at how far you’ve come and this are my little words ‘‘keep on planting, keep watering and definitely God will make it grow’’.

But then you might be tempted to ask: those who indulge in crime, illegal deals and cyber crime or scamming and derive the so called ‘‘success’’ from it, are they also govern by the God factor? This will be addressed in our next article.

Once again you are welcome to young intellect.

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